jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Go shopping

Hi today at school we talked about the "% " the teacher told us that there are a lot of "% " when you go shopping  because there are a lot of bargains.

He told us that if we want to buy a phone  it cost 100€,   but you know that the next week it will cost  a 20%  less, but  that week you can't buy it for any reason and you have to buy it in two weeks,  the bargain has finished and it costs 20% more.
How much is it going to cost that phone each time?
The first time i 100€, the second time is 100-20%(80€) and the third time is the 80+20%(96€).
There is another option which is that the first price is takes as their reference . In that case the last price would be 100+20%(120€)

Marcel Rovira

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Hi guys!!! Yesterday at school we did the diagonals that you can do in a polygon.
It depend of the vertex of the polygon. The teacher tell us a problem do you think that you can’t solve it  (the teacher tell us that if all of the class greet each one ,how many greet will we say?)  good luck ;)




Here is then solution

We are 25 in the classroom if we say hello everybody the thing that we have to do is (24 · 25 = 600 ) but if we do it like this its wrong  because it mean that their say hello and the bought are counting the same hello, this it means that we * know  it's good because  we can’t count the same grate two times. 

Marcel Rovira


Here is our intagram:  https://www.instagram.com/perffmaths/?hl=en

A classe de matemàtiques vem estar parlan sobre la simetria. Partir
un cos per la meitat de tal manera que les parts que hem tallat siguin 
exactement iguals.
Se sol dir que una persona simètrica és ''atractiva'' matemàticament
parlant, així que hem bolgut posar uns exmples de persones famoses 
i veure si són ''atractives'' matemàticament.  

Edu i Albert.