martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Hi guys today I will sow you a successio of numbers  
I will tell you what is andt were can you find it

The Successió Fibonacci invented Pissano Leonardo.

It is an infinite number Successió natural works, as follows:
1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 , 55 , 89 , 144 , 233 , 377 , 610 , 987 , 1597

What we do is, we add one to one, that two, we add to this the second one, which would give 3 to this we add the second third, which gives 5.

In conclusion the only thing we are doing is adding a number before the number is, add the previous number, for example:

4+3=7      7+4=11 
Resultado de imagen Succession of Fibonacci immatge this can be seen as the conch, is becoming increasingly larger, since it will add more and more numbers.

In the laditori in bcn it has the soccecion of fibonacci in her roof but it’s with squares

look like the succecion of fibonacci  


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